Stress Management
Your Mind. At Peace.
When you become stressed, the brain undergoes both chemical and physical changes that affect its overall functioning.
During periods of high stress, certain chemicals within the brain, including the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, begin to rise, causing larger amounts of these and other "fight-or-flight" hormones such as adrenaline to be released by the adrenal glands. The release of these chemicals contributes to certain physiological effects, including rapid heart rate, higher blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. When left unmanaged over time, chronic stress can lead to the development of other serious problems, such as stomach ulcers, stroke, asthma, and heart disease
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Stress can disrupt your body's natural hormone balance ,causing issues such as obesity, insomnia, low energy, or even a decreased sex drive. The WAE Clinic offers hormone testing, analysis, and hormone replacement therapy pellets for those suffering with hormone imbalances. Learn more.

Alpha Stim Therapy
FDA Treatment for anxiety, insomnia, depression, and pain that’s proven to work
The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device is proven effective and safe for pain management and treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and depression. It has no lasting side effects, no risk of addiction, and no danger of interaction with medications. Alpha-Stim helps you fight both the sleepless nights and the overwhelming sadness that can make it hard to get out of bed in the morning. It relieves both your nagging lower back pain and the constant burden of stress. Results are long lasting and often immediate.
How Alpha Stim Works
Your brain naturally has electrical currents. The Alpha-Stim cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) device delivers a natural level of microcurrent, via small clips worn on your earlobes, through the brain to stimulate and modulate specific groups of nerve cells. The microcurrent is tiny, just millionths of an ampere, and so gentle that most people don’t even feel it. The patented Alpha-Stim waveform, application, and protocols result in significant anxiety relief, mood normalization, and better sleep (both in quality and duration).
Treatments take only 20 minutes and you can use Alpha-Stim in the privacy of your own home or take it to work with you. The device is portable and the earclips are unobtrusive; you’ll look like you’re just listening to music.
The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device relieves post-traumatic, acute and chronic pain through painless electrical stimulation delivered via two handheld Smart Probes. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with physical therapy, medication and other forms of pain management.
Alpha-Stim may seem too good to be true, but volumes of research over multiple decades prove it is a safe and effective therapy.

Hemi Sync Sound Therapy
What Can Hemi Sync Do For You?
Check out the Hemi Sync site.
Listen to our favorite stress-reducing title, Timeless.
Listen to one of our favorite sleep supportive title, Super Sleep.