

The CryoFacial treatment works through alternating vasoconstriction and vasodilation to increase microcirculation leading to increased collagen and elastin production in the localized area of treatment.

This session is best for:

  • Individuals with loose skin, or skin lacking elasticity/evenness in tone
  • Individuals with signs of aging (fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, etc)
  • Targeting stubborn chin fat pockets
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How can clients see their best results?

In order to see the best results from CryoFacial sessions, clients should ensure they come in for at least 5 initial sessions, and continue with a maintenance program. Collagen production and microcirculation are mainly determined by age and genetics, so the results of these treatments will not be permanent.

How long do results last?

This varies for each client depending on age, genetics, and physiological variance.

For clients over the age of 45, we recommend starting with a 5-pack, receiving Toning sessions 2x per week for 5 sessions, then maintaining every 1-3 months as needed.

For clients under the age of 45, we recommend starting with a 5-pack, receiving Toning sessions 1x per week for 5 sessions, then maintaining every 2-3 months as needed.

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